A great trip to Bhaktapur, then an inspirational talk from Dawa

In Bhaktapur Today we went to Bhaktapur, which is the newest area in Kathmandu but with some of the older architecture. We were able to learn a lot about Bhaktapur thanks to Susan, who was a great tour guide that made the visit very interesting.

After visiting Bhaktapur, we had the privilege of listening to how Dawa started Classrooms in the Clouds. His story was inspiring and emotional which made us think how some children in the UK take education for granted, whereas children in Nepal are trying to get out of a traditional life to get to school because they recognise the promise of education.

To conclude the day we all talked about the highlights and the difficulties we experienced on a individual level over our last evening dinner.

Firefighter and Community Safety Apprentice Jonathan Dutton-Guiver

Last updated: Monday 01 April 2019

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In Bhaktapur


Last updated: Monday, 6 March 2023
