FOI 1719 - Recruitment Process

I would like to request a copy of the following documents that were in place for the recruitment process which began at the end of 2021 into 2022.

1. People Impact Assessment for the recruitment process.

Please see attached Equality Impact Assessment for our Recruitment Policy
2. Recruitment Policy.

Please see attached Recruitment Policy

3. Information on when, what department and which role made the decision to cut off for interview based on the online test.

We do not have a system for recording day to day decisions therefore we cannot provide this information. However it will have been based on scores, i.e. candidates above a certain score will have been invited to interview, candidates below this score will not.

Below are the relevant policy documents:

FOI 1719 - data 1

FOI 1719 - data 2

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Last updated: Friday, 16 February 2024
