What we spend

This page provides our key financial information and information under the transparency agenda

Spending and budgets

Our Council Tax leaflets set out our annual spending and budgets.

Our financial and procurement procedures


The information required under the Transparency Code of Practice is listed here.

Invoice payments over £500

To ensure that we are open and transparent over the way in which we spend money, we have published online details of all invoices over £500.

The links below give details by month of the invoices for over £500 which have been paid during the current financial year and previous years.

The invoices highlight the wide range of activities and work delivered by Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service - from fitting smoke alarms to buying and maintaining specialist vehicles and appliances.

If you have any queries, please email the finance team on financeacc@cheshirefire.gov.uk. We will respond to all questions as quickly as we can but some cases can involve detailed investigation and may take us up to the 20 working days maximum set out in our Freedom of Information policy.

Financial year 2024-25

April 2024 (new window)

May 2024 (new window)

June 2024 (new window)

Financial year 2023-24

April 2023 (new window)

May 2023 (new window)

June 2023 (new window)

July 2023 (new window)

August 2023 (new window)

September 2023 (new window)

October 2023 (new window)

November 2023 (new window)

December 2023 (new window)

January 2024 (new window)

February 2024 (new window)

March 2024 (new window)

Additional data sets

  • Incidents

  • Fleet lists

  • Vintage appliances.

  • An annual Health and Safety report is presented to the Performance and Overview meeting, usually around November. You can find a copy within the agenda’s and papers for the meetings.

Note - the location of vehicles is subject to change for operational requirements.

Annual data about employees, incident types and numbers, vehicles, and Fire Safety audits (opens in new window)

This is published nationally, per fire and rescue service, by the Home Office and is particularly useful for research and comparing how different fire and rescue services operate.

Archive of invoices over £500

Financial year 2022-23

April 2022 (new window)

May 2022 (new window)

June 2022 (new window)

July 2022 (new window)

August 2022 (new window)

September 2022 (new window)

October 2022 (new window)

November 2022 (new window)

December 2022 (new window)

January 2023 (new window)

February 2023 (new window)

March 2023 (new window)

The document for previous years will be added soon.

Last updated: Friday, 5 July 2024
