For responsible persons

Smoke Control Systems

Learn about some of the different types of smoke control systems that may be installed in your premises, the purpose of these systems and, how they operate. Gain understanding around the importance of routine maintenance of any smoke control systems present in your high-rise buildings and keeping a record of any checks carried out.

Fire doors

Learn about the role of a fire door in passive fire protection and the importance of carrying out routine maintenance checks. Listen to advice on how to carry out routine fire door checks for flat entrance doors using the 5-step check method and ensuring that any faults are rectified by a competent person. Also learn about the link between doors that close on activation of the fire alarm and how to ensure that these systems are working. Gain advice around fire doors that should remain shut and locked in most residential buildings (i.e. those that provide access to plant facilities such as electrical intake cupboards or service risers).


Learn about the two types of riser (dry and wet risers), their purpose and how they are used by the Fire and Rescue Service in a fire. Explore how riser inlets and risers themselves should be maintained so that they are always accessible in an emergency.

Fire lifts

Learn about the different types of lifts that can be used in the event of fire and how to maintain them. This includes looking at the differences between fireman's lifts, firefighters lifts and firefighting lifts. It also looks at the use of evacuation lifts in aiding evacuation for those who are most vulnerable and require assistance evacuating from upper floors in the event of fire.

Fire Detection

Learn about the purpose of detection in high-rise buildings and its link to actuating other fire safety measures; including fire doors or smoke control systems in common areas. Also covered is how to ensure that fire detection systems are appropriately maintained including detector heads, sounders and the indicator/control panel.

Suppression Systems

Learn about some of the different types of suppression systems that may be present in your high-rise building and how to maintain them. The video demonstrates how to carry out a visual check of the system and any indicator/control panel to ensure that it is in a good state of repair.

Evacuation Alert Systems

Learn about evacuation alert systems (EAS) and how they are used by the Fire and Rescue Service to alert residents to evacuate a high-rise building in the event of fire. The system is manually operated by fire-fighters when responding to an incident, as deemed necessary by the Fire and Rescue Service in the event of fire.

Door Release Mechanisms

Learn about automatic door release mechanisms (including magnetic hold-open devices and magnetic lock (mag-lock) devices) and how to maintain them. These devices ensure that doors can be easily accessed in the event of fire.

Remember, any faults that cannot be repaired within 24 hours must be reported to your local Fire and Rescue Service.

If you are responsible for a high-rise building in Cheshire and need to report a fault with your building(s), you can do so via - Report building faults and repairs

Last updated: Friday, 22 March 2024
